Benefits of Celery Superfoods

Benefits of Celery
Feb 2019

Benefits of celery Celery is loaded with vitamin C, potassium, B6, vitamin A, folate, vitamin K, and more of fiber! Some great benefits of #celery • LOWERS INFLAMMATION: celery is loaded with antioxidants and polysaccharides. The former cure free-radicals damage that causes inflammation. • REDUCES HIGH CHOLESTEROL: Regular consumption is effective in reducing cholesterol, and […]


Glutathione – The Mother of all Antioxidants

Jan 2019

Glutathione is a combination of three amino acids: #Glycine, #Glutamine, #Cysteine. Its power comes from containing Sulfur groups which can literally have all TOXINS attach and ‘stick’ to it to be cleansed out, hence and is crucial for the body’s DETOXIFICATION process, to help the body rid of #toxins, heavy metals, free radicals etc. Glutathione is […]


Preventive Hangover Remedies Prevent and Treat

Preventive Hangover Remedies
May 2017

Remedies to help prevent and treat over indulgent in alcohol consumption as well as overeating this Memorial holiday weekend. Prevention Take Probiotics to help build your gut friendly bacteria. 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Probiotics can help protect against parasites, infections, toxins and bad bacteria; help with absorption of nutrients and […]