Acid-Alkaline Diet Balance

Acid-Alkaline Diet
Jun 2017

Diet plays a huge role in the body’s acid-alkaline balance. Some foods are acidifying and some more alkalizing. There are about twenty amino acids, dozens of fatty acids and sugars, over forty different vitamins and hundreds or minerals, trace minerals and trace elements that the body uses to function properly. These substances are classified into two main groups: Alkaline (basic) substances and acid substances. These two are opposing yet as equality essential for the body to function properly.

Chemically, acids are defined as a substance that release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Meat and certain grain, for example, are extremely acidic when consumed. Some of the acidic minerals are sulfur, chlorine, phosphorous, fluoride, iodine and silicon. Acidic blood and body is a host for dis-ease.

Alkaline substances, on the other hand, release fewer or no hydrogen ions at all. The less they release, the more alkaline. Unlike acidic substances, alkaline elements are more gentle and non-corrosive, and can counter health issues caused by acidic diet. Alkaline foods are green leafy vegetables, celery, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, avocado, apple cider vinegar, fresh squeezed lemon in water (Contrary to the belief that lemon is acidic, once lemon enters the body and have fully metabolized, its effect is alkalizing and thus raises the pH of the body tissue and blood) and more.

pH measuring scale goes from 0 to 14, while the number 7 is neutral and is the ideal balance between acid and alkaline substances. Again, the more hydrogen ions are being released, the most acidic the blood is and the smaller the number on the 0-14 scale.   

Alkaline Diet

There are strong and weak acids, most often they are combined with an alkaline element. If it is a weak acid, it is easier for the body to reject it. However, if the acid content is stronger than the alkaline one, the acid content is greater and much more difficult to neutralize and eliminate from the body.

The benefits of Alkaline Diet

1. An alkaline diet helps lowers overall chronic pain and inflammation. Eating too much acidic food can lead to acidosis, which then lead to inflammation and thus disease.

2. Alkaline diet helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and hypertension. It does so by decreasing inflammation and increasing growth hormone production. By lowering cardiovascular risk, it can reduce cholesterol and the risk for stroke, and other related health issues.

3. Alkaline diet offers protection of bone density and muscle mass. Put simply, by eating a diet rich in minerals that fruit and vegetables offer, the blood remains alkaline which protects bone density. If eating a diet high in acidic foods, the body leaches calcium and minerals out of the bones to compensate the acidity of the blood thus leaving you with osteopenia and osteoporosis. Your body and blood need to be alkaline to thrive and prevent disease. An alkaline diet can help balance ratios of minerals that are important for building bones and maintaining lean muscle mass, including calcium, magnesium and phosphate2

4. An Alkaline diet can help maintain and keep a healthy weight by achieving normal and healthy leptin levels, keeping inflammation low and boosting energy. Leptin levels affect your fat burning and hunger levels3.

5. When the body is alkaline, cancer cells cannot thrive, and in fact reduced and killed in an alkaline blood. Research shows that alkaline-forming foods promote protection from chronic illness and reduce tumor-cell invasion and metastasis4.


Eat plenty of fresh ORGANIC fruits and veggies: you want to make sure they’re grown in an organic, mineral-rich soil for best nutrient rich produce, as they’ll tend to be more alkaline. Be sure to limit meat, grain, and dairy products, as they are very acidic and will promote illness rather than wellness and health.

Fresh veggies and fruit to include in an alkaline diet:

Celery, collard greens, chard, lemons, limes, cucumbers, wheat grass, avocado, cilantro, parsley, red beets, broccoli, cabbage, fennel, banana, grapefruit, kale, tomatoes, garlic, oregano, mushrooms, spinach.

Almonds and beans are good choices, too.

Be sure to eat mostly raw veggies and fruit, as they are rich in minerals and enzymes, are life giving and are a better choice over cooked foods which aren’t live, and can make you more sluggish and heavy.


Chlorophyll is structurally similar to our own blood, it helps builds blood and detoxify blood altogether. It acts like a deodorizer, and is highly alkaline.


1. Vasey, C (1999) The Acid Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health. Rochester, Vermont:   

    Healing Arts Press.




Hadar Elbaz


Hadar Elbaz

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